You've to learn the difference between someone disrespecting you vs you feeling disrespected. Emotional ears hear from a place of the offense. Sometimes it's not what they said, it's what you're triggered by. And unless you know what triggers you, you'll see everything as attack.
Don’t feel bad for making decisions that upset other people. You are not responsible for their happiness, you are responsible for yours.
Your age doesn’t define your maturity, your grades don’t define your intelligence, and rumours don’t define who you are.
Immature people falling in love destroy each other's freedom, create bondage, make a prison. Mature people in love help each other to be free, they help each other to destroy bondages. When love flows with freedom there is beauty. When love flows with dependence there's ugliness.
The people in your life should be a source of reducing stress, not causing more of it.
Those who make you feel good about yourself, those who help you discover the real you, those who encourage you to be the best version of yourself, those who help you see your magic when you've forgotten about it; they are your people. They are the ones deserving to be around you.
Honor your past but don't hold on to it. Remember your wounds but don't let the pain enslave you. Feel your fear but don't let it control you. Embrace your present. Look out for future. Give power to your dreams. Be the hope your desires need. Allow yourself to feel deserving.
You can’t be strong all the time. Sometimes you just need to be alone and let your tears out.
Choose a partner who is good for you. Not good for your parents. Not good for your image. Not good for your bank account. Choose someone who is going to make your life emotionally fulfilling.
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