Fleeting time is in a hurry. The story is finished halfway through. The lines that have no time to say are stranded in the memory.
Mingming has just passed under the branches of flowers. As soon as he looks back, he has long mountains and rivers, and thousands of trees are lonely.
有人等烟雨 有人怪雨急 好像潮湿的水能渗入心底 汹涌的风暴能让城市颠倒
Some people wait for the misty rain, others blame the urgency of the rain, as if the wet water can penetrate into the bottom of my heart, and the turbulent storm can turn the city upside down
There is only one life. Try your best to do what you want to do and become what you want to be
The tenderness of the world is just the fragrance of fragrant spring willows shaking and dyeing flowers, and the locust sequence cicadas chirping into the deep lane.
I have crossed bridges in many places, seen clouds many times, drank many kinds of wine, but only loved a man of the best age.
It won't be cold for long. The spring breeze is coming.
Think of the whirling world, there is no landing; Look at all kinds of red and purple, and it turns gray.
Later, the wind in Nanshan dispersed the valley pile, and the tombstone was flooded by the water in the North Sea.
The Star River reflected in your eyes is a paradise I have never seen
It turns out that the best meeting in the world is not on the road, but in the heart.
"If company is the longest confession, missing is the purest waiting."
Even if dark clouds sometimes block the sun, it is temporary and the sky will still be clear soon
You will meet someone more interesting than me, and then forget me when the sunset clouds gradually dissipate.
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