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2023-06-18 14:06 来源:词粹网 点击:



Not suitable is poor, not feeling is ugly, love at first sight is good-looking, deliberation is rich, this is the reality.


If he likes you, most of your temper is called personality. If he doesn't like you, even if you are gentle like a cat, he will dislike your hair loss.


What you want is either to catch up or to give up altogether. Don't always chatter about your determination or grief when you meet someone and make them laugh after dinner.


Don't care too much about the surface emotions between people; Sincere friends do not need, the people do not need.


Many people are not isolated, but socialize in a principled and selective way. Talk to thousands of people you like, and never say a word to anyone else.


There will always be one thing that will make you grow up in an instant, and there will always be someone who will make you cry like rain. May you learn the deep malice of the world as soon as possible and live happily.


When I was a child, I thought life was like Musical Instruments, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and hops.


When you are thin and beautiful, you have something in your head and your wallet is full of your own earnings, let alone this month, the whole world will treat you better.


No special luck, so please make special efforts first. Don't fail because of your laziness, but also blame your bad luck pretentiously.


Many things in life, like wisdom teeth, the best solution is to pull them out, not to endure them.


Short-term contact to see the face, long-term contact to see temper, life contact to see character, time will teach you to see every face.


You can love three or five scum wrongly, but you can't love one scum three or five times. It may be bad luck to go wrong, but jumping into a pit is mentally retarded.


What protection you are protected by, what restrictions, can give you shelter from the wind and rain, also can let you not see the day and the sun.


When you have such a big event in your life as birth, old age, illness and death, you will know that your sorrow in the middle of the night before was all bullshit.


Complaint is the most meaningless thing. If you can't stand the surroundings, try to practice your skills secretly and then jump out of the circle.


Everything needs to find its own reason first, not always begging others. The shoes are dirty because the road you walk is not clean.


If you care too much about other people's ideas, then your life is like a pair of pants, you have to follow what others fart!


When you learn to reject others and to return your teeth with your teeth, they will respect you and even revere you. The more you experience, the more you believe in the saying: There's nothing wrong with being ruthless.


Give it all and take care of it. Either you get a person who deserves to be trusted for a lifetime, or you get a lesson worth remembering for a lifetime.


True love is like a ghost. There are many people who hear about it and few people who meet it. In this world, the only one who will not betray you is his parents and the money in his pocket.


There is always only one way to forget a relationship: time and new love. If time and new love do not make you forget a relationship, there is only one reason: time is not long enough, new love is not good enough.


You smoke more and more skilled posture, love more and more casual, from the then three cups poured to the present drunk, that is degenerate, not growth.


In this age of indiscriminate love, a “dear” is at best a hello, a “invite you to dinner next time” is at most a thank you, why too serious.


If one day, let your heart no longer touched you, let your anger no longer irritate you, let your sadness no longer let you cry, you will know the time, what this life has given you, what you have paid for growth.