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2023-08-08 03:29 来源:词粹网 点击:




When aked about do you like live with roommate,the overwhelming majority of mot tudent anwer that they quite willing to live in the dormitory.But fewer people hold that they can not bear the hotel environment and it eem that the number i increaing.

There are mainly three reaon reponible for thi phenomenon. In the firt place,a mot tudent never tay away from parent , o they wa not accutomed to live in the dormitor


y and they will try to move out and to get more private place.What’ more,the living condition are generally not o good ,there are no modern equipment,and tudent have to obey many regulation when living in the dormitory.At length,the roomate all are come from the different place,living habit are quite different.

From my point of view,it would be better for college tudent to live in the dormitory .On the one hand,it i good for college tudent to communicate with each other,which i will help to develop ocial and profeional kill.On the other hand,living in the outide i more expenive than in the dormitory.We can ue the money aved from renting a houe to do omething meaningful.


With the Internet playing an increaingly important role in our daily life,more and more people tend to hopping on line.On thi phenomenon,different people hold different opinion.

Some people are in favor of online hopping becaue of it ha a lot of advantage.Firt of all,hopping online i convenience,you can quickly chooe the good you need jut by clicking the moue rather than go outide.Beide, there' a large variety of conumer good online, you have many option that will lead to a great fit for you.Finally,ome good to buy at a low price.It i cheaper than pecialty hop.However,other do not prefer for the reaon lited below.To tart with,due to the virtuality of the Internet and the lack of eller’ credit,the quality of online good i uually hard to be guaranteed.For thi reaon,many cutomer wa deceived into the Internet.What’ wore,Internet tranaction i not ecure enough.For example,the paword of ome people’ bank account may be leaked out when they hop online.

From my point,hopping online make life more convenient for u.The advantage outweigh the diadvantage.Although hopping online ha flaw,they can be olved gradually with the development of our ociety and technology.


Dear Andy,

How time flie!I have learned with happy that you wa given a place at the Univerity of Cambridge.Thi i a pecial moment for you.Congratulation!

Thi i a notable day in your life and your parent.I know you worked very hard on the pat few year.I can imagine the hardhip you overcome in thi proce.I believe thi time you outdo yourelf and more to a higher level in your tudy. It i a new beginning,and you will be gain ucce in univerity Day.Beide, it’ a good chance for you to with o many top tudent who will give you motivation to tudy hard.

I wih you ucce in all activitie you take part in and you will enjoy the life.

Sincerely your,

Xiao Ming


A a controverial iue, whether it’ terrorim that lead to the Malayian airplane’ miing for day i attracting augmenting attention. With terrorit attack eemingly to go on a rapid rie in China, citizen are getting increaingly anxiou. Terrorim, which i abominated by all human being, poe a diatrou threat to our living condition a well a ocial tability.


Although we confronted with the unprecedented threaten of riot or terrorit attack, I am firmly convinced that terrorim will never defeat our country. A for the reaon, the leading factor I take into conideration i that the armed force in China i getting tronger and more olidified, which will protect civilian afety better. The armed force uch a armed police and military troop are bound to enure the tability of the properity of ociety and economy.copyright go121.cn


In addition, terrorim i detetable and hated by people all over the world for it characteritic of perting from humanim. With hatred againt terrorim accumulating, we Chinee will conolidate and the coheion i doomed to be booted. At the ame time, concientiou foreigner can ene the appalling ituation a well, who can provide u with encouragement and aitance, enabling u to fight againt terrorim confidently.

另外, 恐怖主义被全世界人民所唾弃因为它反人道的性质。当仇视恐怖主义的力量积聚的时候,我们中国人就会更加团结,我们的凝聚力就一定会被提升。与此同时,有良心的外国人也能发现残酷的境况,他们可以给我们提供支持和鼓励,帮助我们更加自信地对抗恐怖主义。

All in all, terrorim i completely the wort kind of behavior in human ociety, which i doomed to be eradicated from the earth. From my own perpective, terrorim won’t defeat China perpetually. I advocate that all of our citizen hould be encouraged to work together for ake of making u a better living environment againt terrorim.
