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2023-08-08 10:29 来源:词粹网 点击:


初三英语作文:一个下雨天(A rainy day)

Thi morning,i woke up with a tart: my clock wa alarming. unwillingly opened my eye, i found it wa 6:30 already.neverthele, the room wa very gloomy, for it wa raining outide. what a cold day! how comfortable it would be if i could tay in bed for the whole day, reading a favourite book in the ound of rain. but, i did have to go to work.

Though it wa a ruh hour, on the way, there were fewer people than uual. many people arduouly held an umbrella which wa alway blown down by a blat of wind.fortunately , i wa dreed in a raincoat. everal yard away, a policeman wa guiding the traffic in


the rain. i wa filled with deep eteem for hi erioune.i kept thinking of today' plan for a hort while and,then,i wa in my office. a buy day i beginning ……

初中英语作文:A rainy day

thi morning,i woke up with a tart: my clock wa alarming. unwillingly opened my eye, i found it wa 6:30 already.neverthele, the room wa very gloomy, for it wa raining outide. what a cold day! how comfortable it would be if i could tay in bed for the whole day, reading a favourite book in the ound of rain. but, i did have to go to work.

though it wa a ruh hour, on the way, there were fewer people than uual. many people arduouly held an umbrella which wa alway blown down by a blat of wind.fortunately , i wa dreed in a raincoat. everal yard away, a policeman wa guiding the traffic in the rain. i wa filled with deep eteem for hi erioune.i kept thinking of today' plan for a hort while and,then,i wa in my office. a buy day i beginning ……


Lantern Fetival

The 15th day of the 1t lunar month i the Chinee Lantern Fetival becaue the firt lunar month i called yuan-month and in the ancient time people called night Xiao. The 15th day i the firt night to ee a full moon. So the day i alo called Yuan Xiao Fetival in China.

According to the Chinee tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there i a bright full moon hanging in the ky, there hould be thouand of colorful lantern hung out for people to appreciate. At thi time, people will try to olve the puzzle on the lantern and eat yuanxiao (glutinou rice ball) and get all their familie united in the joyful atmophere .

小升初英语作文:A Wonderful Day

Lat November 24 wa my birthday. I had a party at my home. My friend came to my home in the afternoon and I got a lot of preent from them. At the party, we ate a big cake, ang ong, watched TV and litened to muic. We were very happy. But all good thing mut come to an end. We aid goodbye at about ten o'clock. We had a very good time on November 24.


Don't you ee the heavy moke from the big chimney? Don't you mell the ga from the motor all around the treet? We've got much dirtier air! the iceburg are melting from the warmer winter becaue of the air pollution!

Don't you ee there are le live in the water? Don't you ee that we mut pay higher cot in water proceing? We've got much darker water running around! the ocean are in GREat danger.

Don't you ee the montain getting bald? Don't you ee our ground becoming hollow? We've been exhauting the reource beneath the earth. Our grandchildren will live on nothing.

We have only one globe. Treaure the mother nature!

初中英语作文--A cry for Nature Conervation

A cry for Nature Conervation

A i depicted in the picture entitled “crie from our decendant”, a boy i calling on hi ancetor — citizen today throughout the world — to enure a better environment and a greater abundance of natural reource for future generation. With a forced mile on the face, he i crying bitterly and deperately. Such a cene can jut put u deep in thought.

The drawer of the picture intend to force u to ak ourelve ome very thought provoking quetion concerning nature conervation. Are we willing to be more conervative in our life requirement, and are we willing to moderate our ue of the world' reource for our decendant? Can we, in fact, reduce our conumption of petroleum, coal and electricity, in order to reduce the pollution and environmental preure created by exceive energy ue and to allow other to live a better life? Are we willing to pend more money for pollution control and environmental retoration? Are we willing to devote more effort to recycling? Can we moderate our demand for fat rich diet and uper proceed convenience food? Thee are ome of the central iue of the preent?day world, and one on which the quality of preent and future environment may depend.

A citizen in the modern world, it i our duty to give thought to the living environment and condition of our offpring. We mut take poitive action to remedy the worening ituation, which i adly threatening to ruin every corner of the world. Only in thi way can the boy top crying and how ome repect to hi ancetor.