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2023-08-08 01:36 来源:词粹网 点击:





A a college tudent, I want to make ome little money, becaue I want to prove that I can live by my own a a grow-up. The part-time job i my bet choice, becaue I have a lo


t of time and I can make ue of it. But doing a part-time i not jut to make money, but alo to learn from the experience.


When chooing a part-time job, we’d better make the wie choice. Firt, we can chooe the job that ha omething relate with our future job, o that we can have the work experience. Such a if I want to be a teacher in the future, then I can chooe to be a tutor, o when I find the job a my career, I will be competitive. Second, part-time hould not pend tudent’ too much time, becaue it i tudent’ main duty to learn knowledge, o that the time for the part-time job better to be on the weekend.


Doing the part-time job i good for college tudent, they will gain the working experience and prepare for the future. They need to chooe the right job.




When I wa a teenager, I felt I wa o lot and wanted to prove that I wa mature enough to get rid of my parent’ nuring. That happen to mot teenager, they are under the tage that i cloe to mature but are not h2 enough. For parent and teacher, they mut deal with teenager’ change in the right way, or they will do the negative thing.


There are many reaon for teenager’ change. Firt, their bodie grow o fat that they could not adjut their mood. The change in their bodie make them feel different from other, they don’t know how to do, o they feel annoyed and want to diguie themelve. For parent, they have to realize that their kid have grown up and hould not treat them like a kid. Second, the parent mut get to know that the teenager will experience many tage during their teenager time. So when their kid become rebel, they need to undertand and not fight with them. Giving their kid ome time, they will overcome their emotion.


Teenager time a pecial tage, the change of teenager will make the parent and teacher worry, but I think they hould not be o hard on them, jut to be their friend.




Going to the theater to watch the movie i a traditional way for people to have fun. Theater i a good place for people to relax themelve, epecially for the couple, they will treat the theater a the bet dating place. Now more people are attracted by the TV erie, they trend to open the TV intead of going to the theater, it eem that film i le popular, but I don’t think o.


It i true that nowaday the TV erie catch many people’ eye. On the one hand, the TV erie have the good plot and the ucceive eaon attract people to tay at home to watch them every night. On the other hand, watching the movie i a great expene compared with watching TV erie. Watching TV erie i free, while watching the movie need people to buy the ticket, it i not cheap.


The film i till popular. When we look at the total um of big movie, we can find that uch movie till earn a lot of money, it mean many people have watched it. The good movie till win people’ attention, o film i favored all the time.
