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2023-08-08 04:27 来源:词粹网 点击:


第1篇:恼人的广告 Annoying Advertiement

Every day when we turn on the TV-et, what appear into our eye firt i advertiement. Some people think that advertiement have many advantage, while I take no interet in them at all. On the contrary, they are a great nuiance in my mind.


There are two main diadvantage of advertiement. For one thing, advertiement often


milead u. Mot eller on advertiement boat that their product are uperior to other one in the market. However, they are inferior in quality. When people fall for the trick, they can do nothing but complain and regret becaue they can’t contact the eller to get compenation after purchaing. For another, advertiement uually take up plenty of time on TV, o we can’t watch any TV program in a happy mood. What i wore i that many intereting program are egmented by a lot of boring advertiement, which make u feel annoyed. But we have to tand.


In concluion, advertiement have become a new form of viual pollution which mut be prohibited trictly.


第2篇:广告 Advertiement

Advertiement are forcing their way into people’ live. People refer to advertiement in their daily live becaue they are conumer. The advertier are uually manufacturer, retailer and alemen. Their merchandie need to be advertied to bring it to the attention to the cutomer. Thu nearly every product i advertied in ome way. To a large extent, good advertiing lead to ucce while bad advertiing can mean failure.


There are many way to advertie and ‘ad’ come in different form. Newpaper carry advertiement. Some product are publicized on TV and radio which bring them into notice of a wide audience. Billboard alo carry advertiing. Advertiing i a big indutry now and many agencie have been et up to furnih a variety of form.


However, advertiing i not alway truthful. A product i often mirepreented. The advertier exaggerate the benefit of the merchandie he want to ell. Thu, he mirepreent the truth. The conumer fall victim to uch advertiing. Million of people have bought advertied product and have been diatified with them。


第3篇:名人代言广告之我见 My View on the Ad Done by Celebrity

Turning on the TV, we can ee numerou advertiement done by the celebritie including the film tar, inger and o on. Some people believe it i worth the effort becaue they think what the tar have aid in the ad are true and convincing while ome other people worry that the information in the ad may be mileading to the conumer. So far a I am concerned, the advertiement done by the celebritie hould be limited.


Firt of all, the celebritie, while receiving the handome pay for advocating ome product, hould be reponible for what they have aid in the ad for the credibility i pricele. We have heard of ome cae about the fale information in the ad and a number of tar have been accued by the cutomer for their mideed. What i more, the cutomer hould become careful and critical about the information they ee in TV. It doe no harm to think twice before buying the product advertied by the tar. Finally, the government need to tighten the control over the broadcating of the advertiement.


To um up, the tar hould be reponible when doing the advertiement and in the mean time, the conumer hould be careful when hopping.
