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2023-08-08 04:24 来源:词粹网 点击:



<h2 tyle=\"text-align: center;2017年英语四级作文范文1:心理健康

How to Keep Pychologically Healthy?

For thi part, you are allowed 30 minute to write a compoition on the topic: How to Keep Pychologically Healthy? You hould write at leat 120 word following the outline g


iven below in Chinee.




<p tyle=\"text-align:center;How to Keep Pychologically Healthy?

One in four people will experience ome kind of mental problem in the coure of a year. When you fail to manage thee problem, they are likely to caue variou mental illnee.

The caue of mental health problem often vary a lot from one cae to another. In today' ociety, a good number of people are uffering from heavy preure. Other lack communication kill. In addition, a lot of people are ignorant of pychological knowledge about how to keep mentally fit.

There are a lot of way to curb mental health problem and keep pychologically healthy. Firtly, find the real caue of your mental health problem and ee whether you can do omething about it. Secondly, learn to relax yourelf and take exercie to releae the preure. Latly, you may find it helpful to talk to your partner or friend about your problem, or eek upport and advice form a pychological conultant.

<h2 tyle=\"text-align: center;2017年英语四级作文范文2:收入差距




<p tyle=\"text-align:center;My View on the Income Gap

Now the income gap i getting wider and wider. In ome privately owned firm, joint-venture, or foreign-fund companie, an executive' yearly income i ten time or even a hundred time a much a an ordinary worker'.

Faced with thi ituation, people will undoubtedly have different opinion. Some believe that it benefit the ocial and economic development ince driving force i often derived from the gap. In other word, the gap inpire people and give a puh to advancement. Other peak of it ide effect: income gap i often the root of ocial unret and alo contrary to our country' principle.

From my point of view, while it i true that the income gap may timulate the ocial development to ome extent, it caue trouble a well. An income gap that i too wide for mot people to bear can neither contribute to the tability of a country nor promote it economic development. Therefore, while we are advocating the rapid development of our country, we hould tolerate the narrow income gap but narrow the wide one.

<h2 tyle=\"text-align: center;2017年英语四级作文范文3:诚信

Write an eay baed on the following drawing. In your eay, you hould:

1) decribe the drawing briefly,

2) explain it intended meaning, and then

3) give your comment.

You hould write on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Thi cartoon diplay a very oothing cene. An old lady bought ome tuff from a convenience tore, and jut at the moment when he wa about to leave, the tore keeper ran out to her becaue he had paid an extra two yuan. Though that i not a big amount of money, I believe the old lady mut be greatly impreed by the keeper’ honety.

It i without doubt that the cartoon aim at addreing a eriou problem prevailing in today’ ociety, that i, the lack honety in the field of buine. For intance, many buinemen are o obeed with making profit that they imply forget that they are uppoed to erve the people with bet product and ervice. Therefore, there emerge fake product, cheating ervice and unfulfilled promie. In contrat, the kind-hearted keeper of thi drawing practice honety in every detail of her work. Her attitude give cutomer the ene that her product and ervice are of firt-cla quality, which would guarantee her more cutomerand credit.

The tore keeper’ practice i exactly what we hould advocate among all buinee. That i becaue, honety not only render client temporary atifaction, but can alo build long-term cutomer trut. The latter i one of the key factor for market expanion and buine ucce.

<h2 tyle=\"text-align: center;2017年英语四级作文范文4:致辞

Direction: Write a peech on the opening of aconference of no le than 120 word. In yourpeech, you hould:




Good morning, ladie and gentlemen, welcome toBeijing! To begin with, I would like to make a briefintroduction to myelf. I am the preident of Motorola (China) Electronic Ltd.

The following i my introduction to the conference. Firt, it i my great honor to be herewith all of you and declare open the Conference of International Trade Cooperation. Second, onbehalf of our company, I would like to expre my heartfelt welcome to all the guet anddelegate. Lat, I believe our cooperative effort are ure to be productive.

I wih all of you enjoy yourelve during thi conference and hope the above informationwill help you. If you have any quetion for me, pleae feel free to ak at any time. Thank you foryour attention.

<h2 tyle=\"text-align: center;2017年英语四级作文范文5:大学讲座

My Opinion on Campu Lecture




<p tyle=\"text-align:center;My Opinion on Campu Lecture

On many campue, it ha become a prevalentphenomenon for college to hold variou lecture.Meanwhile, a hot of parent or teacher encourage and advocate college tudent to attendthee lecture to gain a favorable poition in academic learning. Taking a look around, we canfind a great many lecture like thi: lecture about job-hunting, cet-46 and o on.