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2023-08-08 07:16 来源:词粹网 点击:


Lively cheer game, Hien-Hiung Wei trade tudent. In thi clear and crip in November, we greet the autumn unlight, along with the harvet eaon, uhered in a lively eventh wonderful chool port.

The Game, a total of 455 tudent in our chool participated in 9 project competition. Early in the morning, teacher and tudent arrived at the tadium, ome of them arranged the venue, and ome finihing garment, ome are located port equipment, too buy to track the original ilent uddenly excited.

8:00 With the Game officially announced the beginning of each cla followed by admi


ion to the rank of marching parade performance. At thi point march uddenly ounded, one after another a cla rank of neat formation, dance prop et great tride in coming to the podium. Everyone in their bright clothe, miling, hold our head up, demontrating the unique vitality of youth and vitality. The performance of thee clae trength and weaknee, and ome formation varied, and ome clothing brightet, and ome neat move, and ome arrangement wa new, their graceful dance to attract everyone' attention. Prop in the hand of thee tudent can be decribed a great variety, variety. Some, and the dynamic muic, holding a pair of choptick beating out the rhythm of onorou; ome flapping the ball like a cheerful bright wizard; ome dre wayed, holding a dance fan, to draw a beautiful arc Road, and ome Qiyuxuanang , hand-held gun alute in the air emitted by colorful firework. Their performance to the entire tint of the many plendour of color game, like pring flower, ummer unhine, with a cool autumn wind blow againt our face, o that the preence of teacher and tudent are all touched, and are all delighted. It i undertood that the road parade cotume and prop ued in many of them are the tudent themelve to elect and purchae, and they how the formation and movement are alo explored and arrangement of their own. Thi i totally reflect the tudent' enthuiam and longing for the Game, but alo fully demontrated their ability to act independently and h2 organizational kill.

When the road team, after all the admiion, what follow are Guangbo Cao game. Accompanied by "The time are calling" the melody, all the tudent and upright, full of energy, rhythm accuracy, movement in place effective. In their face, we ee the youth of the atmophere, the value of youth, the vitality of youth, it eem to be in the new era call a better future.

9:30 When the General Aembly proclaimed the port officially began, the entire tadium uddenly boiling up and cheer ound come and go, an endle tream. Look at track and field athlete, one by one, uch a correction of rabbit-like fly a tarting point, like a lever for-like ruh toward finih, attracted the preence of the audience excited. Regardle of whether the player won the firt, they will get the audience praie and encouragement. Becaue in the heart of the audience, thee athlete have played out of an unyielding, tenaciou pirit of port, they are porting heroe, trade chool, "Liu Xiang." The women' 800 meter and men' 1,500 m i a tet of tamina and pereverance of the project player. Although it not a good a printer a exciting, exciting, but it definitely make moving more than print. In the game, player have to face not only the phyical tet, but alo the pychological tet. Athlete participating in the project truly reflect the hard work, never admit defeat the pirit of the movement, it give u the feeling of accomplihment than to be rich in many.

Look at that track and field athlete, but alo everybody gearing up, not lying down. High jump, long jump athlete in order to get better reult, fight every effort, even if the failure i not to give up. Goal and together they face a h2 pace, jumped again and again. Thi ever go beyond the pirit of elf-enormou peronal wealth, but alo in the future be able to go farther and higher olid foundation. The player participated in hot put competition, more invetment and further and further away reult. In their hand a if hot into a wih full of hope ball, contantly chaing their own dream.

Competition ha been extended to the afternoon, teacher and tudent did not diminih the enthuiam high. Until the relay final gunhot, the current Game in the joint effort of teacher and tudent, the ucceful completion of variou event, moothly lowered to a cloe. The Game, then the larget in hitory, a total of 9 project generate winner, there i one peron to break the chool record, one who tied a chool record, acce to male and female group, repectively 03F2 cla championhip coure and 04 international buine 3 clae . After watching them win the miling face filled with happine, I feel that tudent in the porting pirit in the trade how wa glance.

Sport i the building of piritual civilization i an important component of national quality, people' piritual outlook of the concentrated expreion. Game i not only the level of inpection and chool phyical education and quality of tudent youth tyle how, tet the concrete practice of phyical and pychological, but alo the reform of chool education and career development of a comprehenive tage for performance. It i a phyical exercie, the activation of life, promote the peronality and vigor, and gain the mile and mental outlook. Game for all player at thi tournament out of reult, race out of tyle, carry forward the friendhip firt, competition econd the pirit of the game looking for more glory and dream, in the race to create more beautiful and brilliant.