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2023-08-08 12:42 来源:词粹网 点击:



I It Meaningful to Receive College Education?


Given the fact that many college tudent havedifficultie in finding job in the recent,thouand ofhigh chool tudent are reported to refue to takethe National College Entrance Examination.The neweem o convincing that many tudent, theirparent,and the ociety reach the concluion thatreceiving college education i a wate of time andmoney.


Undoubtedly, thee tudent can earn ome money working in big citie or runningtheir own buine in the near future.However, I am of opinion that thi view i myopic,which ito the detriment of peronal development and China’ overall growth in the long term.


Firtly, in term of peronal development, univerity i not a vocational training center depitethe factthat a univerity diploma indicate graduate are more likely to find decent job.Intead, univerity i a place for peronal cultivation and improvement. In univeritie,tudent will learn to find their real interet,perfect their peronality, and form right outlooktoward the world.Furthermore, tudent will learn to gather, analyze, and evaluate informationo that they can reolve problem in their live. For thoe who are upiciou of the value ofhigher learning to ome extent, they can be regarded a plutolatry.They worhip money andbelieve that money i everything in their live.


Secondly, in term of national growth,the advancement of a nation i characterized by itgreatne of high education.In thi ene, univeritie are the center of reearch andacademic exploration.Take theUnited State for intance.Among the top 100 univeritie inthe world,the majority of them are located in theUnited State.The advancement of US higheducation i indicative of the fact that thoe univeritie produce the mot Nobel Prizelaureate in comparion with other countrie.American univeritie alo turn out to be amagnet for mot mart tudent around the world.Thoe univeritie contribute tremendouhare to the US’ growth through cientific and technological upport.


In China, if the belief that receiving college education i a wate of time and money can not becorrectedin time, it i inevitable that China can only reap hort-term GDP growth but will bedeprived of opportunity to become a competitive international player in the long run, for thehuman reource will be drained eventually.


In um, receiving college education will benefit both inpidual and the country.Indicative of thedire job market for college graduate i not the uelene of college education.Intead,college education mean we hould tudy harder to make a full preparation for the future.
