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2023-08-08 13:32 来源:词粹网 点击:


初三英语作文:My lovely bother

During May Day holiday, I went to my uncle’ home to meet my new little bother and he i a baby.

My little bother ha got big eye, a mall noe, and a mall mouth that look like a cherry. But my little bother can't talk, and the only thing he can do i crying.

My little bother i very lovely. He like frown very much. When he frown, it look like that he i jut thinking ome quetion. When he fall to leep, it look like wimming. When he


crie, the ound i very intereting. It ound like he i counting number or he i inging. Maybe he want to be a inger.

I love my little brother, Do you like him? I hope my little bother can be a uper tar in the future. At that time I will be proud of him.

初三英语作文:The pace

The earth move round the un,and the moon move round the earth.When our part of the earth turn to the un,it i day. When our part of the earth turn away from the un,it i night.

The un i bigger than the moon.But ometime the moon look bigger than the un,becaue it i much nearer to the earth.

The un i very bright.It give very h2 light.The moon look quite bright,too,but it doen't give any light at all.The light from the moon come from the un.

The moon look much bigger and brighter than the other tar.But in fact many tar are much bigger and brighter than the moon.They look maller than the moon becaue they are farther away from the earth.


Your enthuiam,your both hand, can help other;Your incerity,your mile,can move other;Your compliment,your bleing,can reciprocate other.Thi,are all what you hould do.Becaue you are accepting other'help all the time,you hould reciprocate them.No matter the friend or enemy, no matter the one that i familiar w-ith or trange one,whether he i a rich man or beggar.Help to be not to chooe the target,chooe time,chooe the place.Go,make other warm with heart of you ,go,help other with hand of you,go,peruade omeone ele with your action.Thi i what you hould do.You hould learn to pay,learn help,learn to preent.So long a everybody can do o both,thi world will be a cradle that i full of loving,the earth i that one i full of warm collective!


Yeterday wa Father' Day. I had planned to give my father a preent. But I didn't remember it until in the morning.It wa too late to pot a card to him. So I decided to buy omething. When I wa in the department tore. I found it wa not eay for me to chooe omething right for him. Suddenly I got an idea. I ran home and opened my computer. I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet. then I began to make upper. When father came home, he wa very glad to find a big meal on the table. then I aked him to check hi e-mail. He wa amazed to find a beautiful card in hi e-mail-box.

What a wonderful urprie!

初三英语作文:My Chinee Teacher

Hello, everyone! Today I'll tell you about my Chinee teacher.

Zhu Jingyan i my Chinee teacher. She i tall and beautiful. She ha big eye and long hair. Look, he i wearing a red dre today. The dre fit her very well. She i reading a book now. She i reading very carefully.

All of u love her very much. Why? Becaue he i very friendly and lovely. We are good friend. We often chat and play game with her. We often have a great time. Sometime we dilike her, becaue he i angry. We are very afraid, o we don't make any noie.

My Chinee teacher i a good teacher. She work hard and he know many thing. When we anwer her quetion, he alway liten to me carefully with a mile on her face. In her cla, we often learn many thing, o we like the Chinee leon very much.

初三英语作文:That Day

I am now a tudent of Dongzhou Middle School, but I till remember that day when I wa in a primary chool.

That day, the weather wa o bad. When chool wa over, it began to rain. All of u looked very worried, o our teacher let u go home at once.

When I went out of the chool gate, I aw my father tanding there. I went to him at once. My father had a raincoat, becaue he'd jut had a meeting and he went to chool a oon a the meeting finihed, o he had no time to return home. When he aw me, he took hi raincoat off and gave it to me. I didn't want to receive it. He looked at me and aid, “Take it.” I had to put on the raincoat, but my heart wa not till. I cried, and I couldn't let myelf top. Since that day, I knew my father loved me. Oh, I can't forget that day all my life.