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2023-08-08 14:13 来源:词粹网 点击:



I raie a Wet Highland White Terrier named Dondon.It' a lively and naughty mall white dog.It ha a pair of lovely traight ear.It will wag it tail when meeting you.I walk the dog for half an hour and twice everyday.It will be happy when meeting other dog in my reidence community.A Scottih Shepherd i getting well with my dog.And it ha a peciality that it i bigger than other dog.Epecially,there i only a head left after barberring it.And the people meet it will top to take a look at it.I love my dog very much.For I'm alway alone in my houe,only my dog can keep my company.I like watching film downloaded in my computer with my dog.Sometime,it will be frightened if I do not


hold my dog when I ee the cary movie.


A diligent keep a dog. Can only be good. Thi i for the pro and con in term of people and dog. Who raied a lazy dog. Only downide i no good. The advantage and diadvantage in term only for dog.

Dog, worthy of the name, i in upport, and we can not afford to dream of what can bring u dog. You keep it, that i willing to do. But now many people around becaue of what the dog pee ah, dog hair lo, ah, ah call out the dog love, dog thi i not good not good either. Put the dog away, and even around the country began under the leaderhip of the dog. In fact, there i nothing wrong with the dog? How can a dog? Or I aid, a hard-working, concientiou people keep a dog, he will conciouly afford the baic neceitie of dog. Out walking the dog, he will pick up conciouly bring the toilet, after cleaning up the tool in dog dirt. Dog at home, he would not let dog tarve random, inexplicable will not let the dog bark.

Our dog, we have to afford all the dog, and willingly. Can not ay what benefit or diadvantage of dog. Can only ay what kind of peron a dog, what kind of dog will bring the benefit of good and diadvantage. Lazy people, will only make the dog' life i full of pain. They do not know the taboo to eat dog, they do not know what what kind of temperament the dog, they are not their mater know, eriouly. Therefore, not all people with dog. No wonder the Chinee beat the dog in vogue. People, ah, commit a in too many, why throw the dog alo do all of the charge? Some people ay that dog who have uch a inect pet, there are dog rabie, dog alo bite. Who' who in fact there i no bug it? There are bacteria in people who do, thoe who do not want to meet people who alo love flea clean it. Since it i a pet, it would have to mater to ervice them on time to the dog a bath, time to the dog de-worming, immunization chedule to the dog, time to dog beauty. Thee tep hould be above thoe condition are gone.

So, i it lazine and ignorance. And preciely becaue of thee lazy and ignorant, do not know how much harm a dog' life.

Today, people commit a in, there are till a dog to bear. And tomorrow? People hould think deeply! ! ! ! !


During ummer vacation,I would volunteer at the vet’,o I’d een a lot of dog.Minnie wa by far the funniet-looking dog I’d ever een.Thin curly hair barely covered her auage-haped body.Her bugged-out eye alway eemed urpried.And her tail looked like a rat’ tail.She wa brought to the vet to be put to leep becaue her owner didn’t want her anymore.I thought Minnie had a weet peronality,though."No one hould judge her by her look," I thought.So the vet payed her and gave her the neceary hot.Finally,I advertied Minnie in the local paper:"Funny-looking dog,well behaved,need loving family."When a young man called,I warned him that Minnie wa trange looking.The boy on the phone told me that hi grandfather’ ixteen-year-old dog had jut died.They wanted Minnie no matter what.I gave Minnie a good bath and fluffed up what wa left of her craggly hair.Then we waited for them to arrive.At lat,an old car drove up in front of the vet’.Two kid raced to the door.They cooped Minnie into their arm and ruhed her out to their grandfather,who wa waiting in the car.I hurried behind them to ee hi reaction to Minnie.Inide the car,the grandfather cradled Minnie in hi arm and troked her oft hair.She licked hi face.Her rattail wagged around o quickly that it looked like it might fly off her body.It wa love at firt lick."She’ perfect!" the old man exclaimed.I wa thankful that Minnie had found the good home that he deerved.That’ when I aw that the grandfather’ eye were a milky white color - he wa blind.