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2023-08-08 07:38 来源:词粹网 点击:


1 人际关系

Teacher and tudent hould live in harmony with each other. Firtly, teacher repect the peronalitie and

characteritic of their tudent. Secondly, teacher hould love their tudent attentively and treat each tudent fairly. On the other hand, tudent hould repect their teacher and admit their work and achievement although they have different opinion from their teacher. Only in thi way can teacher and tudent trut each other and get along well.


作文练习:Friendhip 写作提示:友谊的重要性;互相信任才有真诚的友谊;如何使友谊之树长青。

2 语言学习

Recently, to improve the tudent’ litening and peaking abilitie, the Englih teacher in Cla 3 conducted a urvey among the whole cla on whether they hould have a three-minute peech in Englih at the beginning of a period. According to the urvey,

65% of the tudent firmly upport the idea, for they think thi method will be helpful to their Englih learning and it i a good chance for them to practie their litening ability a well a peaking ability. However, 35% of the tudent are h2ly againt it, aying that it cot the limited time in cla. What’ wore, if they can not make ene of the peeche, they will loe confidence in learning Englih. A for me, I think it i a good idea to have a three minute’ peech at the beginning of a period becaue I believe practice make perfect.

作文练习:How I Learn Englih 写作提示:学好英语重要;过去学不好英语的原因;现在的方法(听、读、写);结论。

3 旅游交通

Guangzhou, with a hitory of 2,200 year, i known a “the flower city”, which i the tarting place of “the ilk road on ea” in ancient China. It ha a population of 10 million and an area of 7,434.4 quare kilometer. Guangzhou lie on the outh China ea, with Hong Kong to the outheat and Macao to the outh. It i rich in traveling reource, uch a the famou “eight cenery of Yangcheng”. Tourit from home and abroad are attracted by it beautiful cenery.

作文练习1:Bike—an Important Mean of Tranport 写作提示:中国号称自行车王国;自行车便宜、避免交通堵塞、健身;自行车与汽车的比较;自行车的未来。

作文练习2:A Happy Journey 写作提示:旅行前;旅行中;旅行结束及感受。

4 自然灾害

Earthquake now happen more frequently than before, o it i neceary for u to know how to protect ourelve. If you are inide a building when an earthquake trike, you mutn’t ruh out without order but hide yourelf under ome hard furniture with your head and neck protected by your arm or bag, avoiding thing that hang above your head, like ceiling, lamp, fan and o on. Beide, when you run for afe helter, don’t forget to cover your head with omething hard. What’ more, you hould put out fire, turn off the ga and electricity and top uing the lift. Once you are outdoor, try to get into an open area away from tree, building, wall, ign and power line.

作文练习:A Thundertorm 写作提示:暴风雨前;暴风雨中;暴风雨后。

5 崇拜偶像

Born in a poor family in Chongqing on September 7, 1937, Yuan Longping tudied hard, howing great interet in agriculture. A a matter of fact, ince hi graduation from univerity in 1953, Yuan ha done reearch on rice for over half a century, devoting all hi time and energy to the tudy of agriculture. Becaue of hi reearch, China’ rice production i increaing rapidly, olving the problem of the lack of food for many countrie. A a reult, he i honored a “Father of Hybrid Rice” and wa rewarded with many prize for hi great contribution to the world. Though he i famou, he live a imple life and care little money and fame.

作文练习:The Peron I Admire Mot 写作提示:最崇敬的人是英语老师;外貌描写;老师耐心、课精彩有趣、教学安排好;结论。

6 历史文化

The Great Wall, the longet wall in the world, i one of the greatet architecture in ancient China. The tructure which wa built in a time when countrie were at war, once erved a a barrier to keep out invading enemie. It remain a mytery how people built the Great Wall without the help of any high technology two thouand year ago. But there i no doubt that the Great Wall, with rich hitory and magnificent appearance, attract a great

number of tourit, cientit and hitorian every year. All viitor think highly of the widom of ancient Chinee.

作文练习:Protect the Cultural Heritage 写作提示:文化遗产的意义;为什么要保护我国的文化遗产;中国政府设立了一个“保护文化遗产节”;你对保护文化遗产的建议。

7 体育活动

Dear editor,

I am Li Hua, a reader of your paper. I am writing to tell you ome uggetion on how to make the bet of the tadium after the 29 Olympic Game were hoted in Beijing.

Firt of all, the tadium can be opened to the public, where they can trengthen their bodie conveniently. Secondly, the tadium can be rented to port companie which organize matche, thu bringing in much more profit. Lat but not leat, they can be ued a tourit attraction, becaue many of them are o well deigned with h2 Chinee feature that they will urely be attraction for viitor from all over the world. th