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2023-08-08 05:11 来源:词粹网 点击:




In the picture, there i a tudent talking to hi father with the word that “Why am I going to chool if my phone already know everything?” How vivid i the picture to how the young generation

dependence on high technologie uch a the phone. But in my opinion, high technolo


gie cannot replace going to chool at all。

参考范文: A i illutrated in the picture, a pupil i aking hi father why he i going to chool if hi phone already know everything.

It can be known that the pupil lack a thorough undertanding of going to chool. Compared with the phone, there are certain thing that can be only achieved by going to chool. In the firt place,

going to chool endow u with the experience of getting along with other. Only by contacting people can our interperonal kill be developed.

The phone only provide information in an environment where there i jut the phone and you. Secondly, you can conult your teacher face to face about any detail of your quetion, which cannot be done on your phone.

Lat but not leat, chool i a place where you can learn to be independent. If you tay with your parent all the time, you will never truly grow up. To conclude, it a neceity for kid to go to chool.

It i a truth which hould be well acknowledged that chool can never be replaced by the phone。

Three point can account for my view. Firtly, without going to chool, we cannot learn baic knowledge and ethic that phone are unable to teach u. Secondly,

without going to chool, we cannot learn kill to make good ue of high technologie. Thirdly, without going to chool, we cannot learn dicipline and unity with people around u. In chool,

not only do we acquire knowledge but we learn how to communicate with people。

In a word, no matter how high technologie are powerful, they totally cannot replace going to chool。

题目: Direction: For thi part, you are allowed 30 minute to write an eay baed on the picture below. You hould tart your eay with a brief decription of the picture and comment on parent

role in their children growth. You hould write at leat 150 word but no more than 180 word。

“Good new mom! I wa accepted to the college of your choice.” “Good new mom! I wa accepted to the college of your choice。”

参考范文: Parent role in their children growth A i precribed in the picture, the girl told her mother, “Good new mom! I wa accepted to the college of your choice。

” We can infer that the mom chooe college for her child, but hould the parent make uch deciion for their children? A far a I concerned,

parent can give advice for their children intead of making deciion for them. Firtly, parent alway want to give their children the bet, however,

they cannot completely undertand their children interet and cant ure what the mot uitable i to their children.

They jut give their children what they conider the bet, regardle of what their children want and what they like. So the bet way to how your love i to repect children choice. Secondly,

the children hould reponible for their own life. Parent can company their children decade of year, but they cannot company their children whole life. Parent can give their children advice,

but teach their children to be independent i more important in their growth. To um up, parent can give their children advice, but they hould repect their children choice. After all,

children will grow up one day, and they mut learn how to live independent and be reponible for their own life。

A i clearly depicted in the above picture, a daughter tell hi mother a piece of good new that he ha been admitted to a univerity a her mother deire.

There i no denial in aying that the cartoon leave u uch a deep impreion that we can not help thinking over a quetion: What role hould parent play in their children growth?

From my point of view, during the proce of a child growth, the role of parent i mainly lited a the following two apect. On one hand,

there i no doubt that parent are liable to take good care of their children. On the other hand, in children peronal growth, parent ought to play a role a a peron who help children develop elf-dependence,

which carrie more ignificant to children future life. In other word, parent hould encourage their on or daughter to be independent rather than reliant on other. To conclude, in children peronal growth,

parent are reponible to care for their children. However, conidering that they will grow up and live their own life in ome day, parent hould enable their children to acquire the ability to be elf-independent。


不可否认的是,这幅画给我们留下了非常深刻的印象,因此我们禁不住要思考这样一个问题,那就是,父母在子女成长过程中应该扮演什么角色呢? 个人认为,父母在子女成长过程中所扮演的角色主要有以下两方面。




